Balance Exercises for Neuroplasticity

I have an obsession with the brain and how it works—it’s fascinating and one of the reasons why I’m so passionate about reflex integration’s role in treating developmental delays, because it addresses the brain-body connection.

Well, I’ve recently found a new reason to geek out about the brain after discovering my husband doing balance exercises! And why is he doing balance exercises? To improve his guitar practice! 🤭 🎸

He came across this video, which in turn echoes results from studies like these, that say balance exercises improve neuroplasticity and can lead to improved cognition, even in older learners. How awesome!

I’ve used exercises like Balance Head Turn from our newly released Memory Game with my adult clients for years to improve not only their physical well-being, but to improve cognitive and emotional results as well.

It’s great to see the benefits of exercises in improving everyone’s function—it’s not just for kids!

So get out there, try some of these exercises yourself to keep yourself sharp.

Introducing the RITP App

A Reflex Integration Exercise Reference for Service Providers, Parents, and Teachers

  • Make treatment planning easier with a at-your-finger-tips access to all the RITP exercises.
  • Learn and show kids the exercises from videos.
  • De-stress your day with playlists you can curate for each client and share with them.
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