Building a Strong Foundation: Understanding Brain Development and Reflex Patterns

At RITP, the brain is always on our minds, and for good reason. Understanding how the brain develops is crucial to reach client goals effectively and by harnessing that knowledge, we can address retained reflexes to promote optimal development.

As an illustration of how targeting reflex patterns with a wholistic approach like RITP, let’s consider house construction.

The Brain: A Blueprint for Development 

Just like a house, the brain undergoes a systematic construction process, developing from the bottom up. In the early stages of brain development, the brain stem lays the foundation, serving as the core support system. As development progresses, the brain gradually builds upon this foundation, constructing intricate networks and pathways that facilitate various functions.

Complexity Rises as We Move Up

In the analogy of building a house, as we ascend from the foundation to higher floors, the complexity of the structure increases. Similarly, as processes move away from the brain stem and towards the cortical areas, the functions associated with them become more sophisticated. This gradual increase in complexity allows for refining cognitive, motor, and sensory abilities.

Unlocking Potential: Addressing Retained Reflexes 

To ensure a stable and functional house, addressing any issues in the foundation is crucial. Likewise, targeting retained reflex patterns, which are controlled by the “bottom” parts of the brain, can unlock further functional development in our clients. These reflexes, if not integrated during the appropriate stages of development, can hinder progress and limit a child’s potential.

Retained reflexes act as remnants of early developmental stages and can manifest as challenges in motor skills, attention, learning, and emotional regulation. By identifying and addressing these reflex patterns, we provide an opportunity for the brain to rewire and establish a more efficient and integrated neural network.

RITP Certification: A Holistic Approach to Treatment and Intervention

Within our RITP Certification program, we emphasize a holistic approach, recognizing that brain development encompasses various interconnected aspects. Just as building a house requires attention to detail in every stage, RITP practitioners understand that a comprehensive treatment and intervention plan must consider physical, cognitive, emotional, and environmental factors.

RITP promotes a solid brain development foundation by recognizing the significance of retained reflex patterns and incorporating targeted interventions. This holistic approach ensures that the entire “house” of the brain is considered and optimized, enabling clients to reach their full potential.

Understanding brain development is crucial in our pursuit of effectively reaching client goals. By leveraging the analogy of building a house, we can grasp the importance of addressing retained reflex patterns, which serve as the foundation for optimal brain development. Through RITP Certification, practitioners are equipped with a holistic approach that considers all aspects of treatment and intervention. By empowering our clients to overcome challenges at the fundamental level, we pave the way for their success, just as a strong foundation ensures the stability and functionality of a house.

Introducing the RITP App

A Reflex Integration Exercise Reference for Service Providers, Parents, and Teachers

  • Make treatment planning easier with a at-your-finger-tips access to all the RITP exercises.
  • Learn and show kids the exercises from videos.
  • De-stress your day with playlists you can curate for each client and share with them.

Join our FREE live workshop for OTs & PTs

Improving Outcomes with Reflex Integration: A Functional and Play-based Approach

January 24 – 26th, 2024 (3pm ET / 12pm PT)

In three days, we’ll teach you the functional way to get better results for the kids in your OT practice, while also reducing the time and stress it takes to make treatment plans.

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Make a difference in the lives of kids all over the world by helping us advance the state of reflex integration treatment!

Participate in our Research Scholarship to get RITP Certified while collecting data using your clients.