It’s dad vs daughter and the winner is… 🥁

This morning before school, my husband and daughter had a friendly competition with our new RITP Memory Game.

My daughter yet again surprised me in this face-to-face battle. My husband was not trying to let her win, but still she held her own.

She had no idea she was doing her “exercises.” For her, it’s just fun and games, which is GREAT!

You know what? It is fun for us too! A win-win!

Who says reflex integration has to be hard all the time?

At the end, it was time for school, and they called it a draw.

But for me, I think we all won 🏆

Introducing the RITP App

A Reflex Integration Exercise Reference for Service Providers, Parents, and Teachers

  • Make treatment planning easier with a at-your-finger-tips access to all the RITP exercises.
  • Learn and show kids the exercises from videos.
  • De-stress your day with playlists you can curate for each client and share with them.
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