Reflex Integration in a Home School: an Interview with Holly Anderson

One of the best parts of my job as an OT is to see how clients and families overcome challenges to live to their fullest potential. To see the perseverance, energy, and creativity within the families we serve is inspiring and challenging me to be a better mom, therapist, and business owner.

I recently had a an amazing conversation with Holly Anderson, a home schooling mom applying reflex integration in her home with powerful results. Hear about her journey with occupational therapy for her own kids, how she found reflex integration to be beneficial, and how she’s using our Reflex Integration Through Play method at home. Bonus: hear about how they structure their exercise time at home and even how they made their own bolster swing! Inspiring!

Check out the video here.

Introducing the RITP App

A Reflex Integration Exercise Reference for Service Providers, Parents, and Teachers

  • Make treatment planning easier with a at-your-finger-tips access to all the RITP exercises.
  • Learn and show kids the exercises from videos.
  • De-stress your day with playlists you can curate for each client and share with them.
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